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Snake Interpretation Center

General Information About Snakes

  • Snakes have existed on this earth for 130 million years, since the era of dinosaurs.
  • There are more than 2500 species of snakes in the world, out of which about 20% of species are venomous.
  • About 300 species of snakes are found in India.
  • There are mainly four venomous snakes found in India - Common Krait, Cobra, Russell's Viper, Saw-Scaled Viper.
  • The process of removing venom from snakes is called "milking". This can be done only in authorized institutes by the experts.
  • King Cobra is the world's largest venomous snake and the only snake that makes a nest and lays eggs.
  • Not all species of snakes lay eggs. 70% of snakes lay eggs and the rest give birth directly (ovoviviparous).
  • About 2.5 lakh people in India suffer from snakebite every year, out of which about 50,000 die due to lack of treatment.
  • There are many myths related to the Red Sand Boa, which people consider to be a two-faced snake, the shape of its tail is similar to its mouth, which confuses people.
  • There is no poison in the tail of any snake, poisonous snakes hunt with their venom.
  • Neither the snake drinks milk, nor the snake has a naagmani, these are all misconceptions.
  • All snakes are protected under the Wildlife Protection Act 1972. Capturing or causing damage to snakes is punishable by statutory punishment, which is punishable by a fine of up to Rs 25,000/- or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years.

Snake Bite Prevention Methods

  • In India, 75% of snake bites are below the knee.
  • Keep the space around the house clean and dry.
  • Keep the sacks and bags in a high place.
  • Use mosquito nets while sleeping on the ground.
  • Always check the beddings, clothes, shoes, etc. that are kept on the ground before using them.
  • If you see a snake, stay calm and contact the snake rescuer or forest department immediately.
  • Always use shoes or gumboots.
  • You should not walk between dense plants after the evening.
  • Always carry a stick for clearing the path and a torch to see while walking in the dark.

What if there is no sanke?

  • Major diet of Snakes like Cobras and Rate snakes are rodents, these rodents eat a large part of our foodgrains. At present, the estimate of loss in foodgrains from rodents is about 20%. If snakes are not there the population of rodents will be uncontrolled and hence, the loss of foodgrains will increase by40-60%.
  • Rodents can also spread diseases like plague.

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