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Vision & Mission

Vision Statement

  • To become a scientific institution engaged in animal welfare and conservation of wildlife.
  • To be known as a centre of knowledge on effective techniques for maintaining good health and upkeep of resident animals and an example of natural ambience and pollution free environment.

Mission Statement

  • Compliment the national efforts in conservation of wildlife through planned and coordinated conservation breeding of endangered wild animal species of the Central India.
  • Develop amongst visitors, empathy for wild animals and motivate them to support the cause of conservation of wildlife.
  • Develop amongst the visitors, an understanding about the ecological linkages with the life supporting processes of nature and the need for keeping them intact by adopting sustainable life styles and living in harmony with nature.
  • Enhancing the role of zoos in conservation of wildlife through collaborative research aiming at attaining management skills for in-situ animal population and carrying out advocacy for protecting the wild animals and their natural habitat.
  • To act as a Rescue and Transit Centre by receiving and keeping orphaned, seized, rescued, aged, injured and distressed wild animals subject to availability of appropriate housing for the same.

Objectives of Van Vihar

Van Vihar was setup with following objectives:

  • To manage, in captivity the wildlife of Central India along with wildlife from other bio-geographic regions of India in near-natural simulated habitat conditions. To serve as a repository of genes.
  • To pursue conservation breeding of some rare and endangered species like - Tiger, Asiatic Lion, Gyps Vultures and Hard Ground Barasingha.
  • To provide the visitors, through a well-designed interpretation programme, an opportunity to enjoy, experience, understand and appreciate nature and the need to conserve wildlife.
  • To carry out appropriate studies to strengthen both in-situ and ex-situ wildlife management.
  • To serve as a rescue center for orphaned, weak, diseased, injured and aged animals found unfit for release in the wild as well as those rescued from traditional animal performers and circuses of India.
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