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Other Activities

A variety of activities are carried out as a part of general management of Van Vihar National Park. The notable activities are as follows:

Habitat Management

  • Improvement of grass land through uprooting of obnoxious weeds.
  • Sustained water supply through bore wells and supply pipe lines to enclosures and water holes created for the free ranging animals.
  • Fire protection through maintenance of fire lines and constant patrolling and monitoring.
  • General security of Rescue Centers and Visitor Zone by ensured presence of staff. The entrance gates are under CCTV camera surveillance too.

Health and Hygiene Management

A full time veterinarian, who is qualified in wildlife health and management, has been entrusted with the responsibility of regular health monitoring of captive animals and veterinary care. He along with the Van Vihar team ensures the well being of animals.

Animal Health Infrastrucure, Monitoring And Veterinary Care

The Veterinarian is entrusted with the responsibility of regular health monitoring of captive animals and veterinary care. Van Vihar has a very good infrastructure to facilitate health care of animals in need.

  • Van Vihar has a well equipped and functional Operation theatre, a small diagnostic laboratory and a very well designed and spacious indoor facility ward complex to treat the injured or unwell animals as well as rescued animals received from the wild from time to time.
  • A quarantine ward to house the rescued and newly acquired animals.
  • Van Vihar has a tie up with various Vet institutes for ensuring timely and quality health care services. The partners of Van Vihar for this cause are The School of Wildlife Forensic and Health, Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University Jabalpur, the State Animal Disease Investigation Lab, Bhopal and the State Veterinary Hospital Bhopal, M.P.
  • Electric incinerator for disposal of caracas and solid waste.
  • A well-designed spacious Post Mortem house.
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